Aka Gambit wrote:This is an awesome idea, I always struggled with designing the html and it never showing up how I wanted. I would always have to go in game then out then restart the server then in game and out, wash rinse, repeat.
you can change the htmls in your server directory and then in game use the command //reload htm . this reloads all the htm files of the server in the data directory (not the hardcoded in core!).
but yeah, cool tool i had problems imaginating how the htm will look like or which tags i can use.
DO NOT EVEN TRY TO MESS WITH ME! forum flOOderdancing dEVILoper♀ I don't give private support - PM will be ignored!
janiii wrote: you can change the htmls in your server directory and then in game use the command //reload htm . this reloads all the htm files of the server in the data directory (not the hardcoded in core!).
but yeah, cool tool i had problems imaginating how the htm will look like or which tags i can use.
Yeah I forgot about that.
Ugh I can't get any images to work, I have let the IGG load up like 10 times (takes forever too) and then when I am done categorizing them all and I save the files it still does not show up on the "Insert Image From Gallery" window nor the insert Image button....Running out of Ideas here.
This feature doesn not work. Sry. I'll try to update tool as soon as possible. Unfortunatelly currenltly have to spend many hours by working on my server - since L2jOfficial died, I'm still working on moving heavely modified core/dp into L2jServer.
And in the next chronicle they went into space, fighting the evil empire... In a galaxy far, far away xD
Ah ok, well I wasted a lot of time loading that for nothing...I just kept trying hahaha.
One thing I would like to suggest as a feature in a future release is allowing multiple editor tabs.
I find myself having like 5 or more windows open, yet it LOOKS like I should be able to just have a few tabs inside the program.
This is good for saving resources. Just an idea though.
Also a debugger would be nice as you can test it faster for open or invalid tags, as oddly enough that is enough to crash the whole client...O_O Don't ask me why id does, but it does. lol
Once again very nice program.
I hope you take my ideas into consideration and continue development of this program.
Awesome, glad to hear you got some updates done on this, I'll wait patiently for your next release. Keep up the good work. And once again, thanks for this helpful tool.