A question about legality

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A question about legality

Post by Darelius »

I searched a bit but dont find an answer on following question, so i sask here:

When i download the L2J software, datapack etc and use free otrher software (recommanded to use), make a free server, homepage etc,
is that legal?

So is it legal to offer a free Lineage 2 server in germany to play on?

Darelius, Keeper of the Elements
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Re: A Question ebaout leagl

Post by Zoey76 »

It depends on each country, since the software is written from scratch, running a L2J Server is legal, users connecting to it will be breaking EULA, which is about the user and the company, not a legal thing, if you try to pose as an official server you could be charged with damage to the company, sharing the client in anyway is a copyright infringment.
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