What u think.. about custom client?

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What u think.. about custom client?

Post by KGB1st »

What u thinking about custom development of new simple Non-NCZ0ft Lineage2 client? Is it more difficult than l2j server development? :crazy: For example we have a good open source, such as CE5, new, simple, it has more performance than old ue wich not understand Vulkan, multitreading, end other newest features.. CE5 in heart looks as Java, because c# used as base coding language. :shifty: I know that C# not same as Java, but CE it's a powerfull instrument, now. Make L2J great again, with new simple dual-client topology :really: :lolno:
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Re: What u think.. about custom client?

Post by Zoey76 »

There have been many tries to make a custom client, it's kind of hard game development, design and so on.
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