Hi Guys! I'm trying to port ItemBroker(itemacution) system from CT2.5(L2J: 5133, DP:8404) to CT2.4. Whole system seems to be working until auction starts (no errors in logs only info about auction time etc.). Everything look normal but players can't make bid - nothing happens when I use any button. Anyone know how to fix it?
Ok I manage to fix this problem. I made mistake in L2GamePacketHandler.java
It's most likely a custom script anyway. I wish we could use the Lineage 2 solution for item auctions :X. Yours looks like something someone wrote using NpcHtmlMessage outputl.
I don't mind helping - however: I only do so if I want to. No support for other server packs than L2J.
How am I supposed to know without having / seeing the code D: ? Also if it's not a HtmlNpcMessage, you most likely can't remove the button. If it is - you surely can.
I don't mind helping - however: I only do so if I want to. No support for other server packs than L2J.