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Creating a SVN to fork L2J

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:26 pm
by Silv3rMoon
I wanna make myself Project SVN link same like

All Projects SVN Links

Postby Zoey76 ยป Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:35 pm
Chronicle 4: Scions of Destiny

like that, i'm trying but i can't see how this exacly can happend?
Can someone support me!

Re: I'm looking for someone who actualy know.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:01 pm
by Silv3rMoon
noone wanna tell?

Re: I'm looking for someone who actualy know.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:14 am
by Phear
"I'm looking for someone who actually knows....."

Perhaps you should first conspire to learn JAVA, and/or any programming language, before attempting to conjure your own, for profit, SVN/PROJECT.
(don't even post that BS, this isn't mine/for me/for profit bullshit here. Your attitude &
covetousness on MXC precedes your appearance here)

This is not MXC, and you are not praised as a god here. Perhaps also, you should watch how you treat others on other websites. Then, maybe, someone here would be willing to help your noob monkey arse...

Considering the ignorant entity you actually are, you won't gather much from this.... But in consideration of the premiss that you may actually gain some intellectual knowledge from this advisory, I congratulate you.

For those who do not know, this kid treats others as inferior monkeys on another well visited website. Then comes here and basically BEGS for help. I would advise, anyone & everyone, not to help him in any way/shape/form until, miraculously, he repents........ He will steal, sell, and publish your code/help/insight as if it was his own....... and degrade you in the process...........without even knowing you or anything about you...

Be warned..


P.S. Nickelback was so fucking 5-10+ years ago.........AC/DC forever, grunge bitch.........

Re: I'm looking for someone who actualy know.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:20 am
by djmouse
I've lolled :D

Re: I'm looking for someone who actualy know.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:05 am
by Phear
What comes around goes around.....

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you....... :mrgreen:

Re: Creating a SVN to fork L2J

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:03 pm
by Zoey76
It's quite easy actually:
  • Go to Eclipse and download our source L2JWiki :: Eclipse
  • After you downloaded the projects you want to fork, right click on it -> Team -> Disconnect (Also delete SVN...)
  • Download and install VisualSVN Server following this guide VisualSVN Guide
  • Go back to Eclipse to the project, right click on it -> Team -> Share Project...
  • SVN -> Create new repository... -> Pick proper path -> Initial import comment -> Finish
Done :wink:

Please keep the forums wars at minimum, this is a place for serious people trying to learn :lol:

--Edit 2:
Where is my karma? Oh, wait we don't have such **** yet :twisted:

--Edit 3:
@Phear You are one of those persons that comes and goes that I respect from the L2J community, try to be the model to follow, this is open source world, we do a lot, we get so little, we still love it :P

Re: Creating a SVN to fork L2J

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:02 pm
by Silv3rMoon
My respect to all of you, but i asked "Newbie way" becouse i just start with SVN's...

Thanks for answer, wish you best!

Re: I'm looking for someone who actualy know.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:05 pm
by Silv3rMoon
Phear wrote:"I'm looking for someone who actually knows....."

Perhaps you should first conspire to learn JAVA, and/or any programming language, before attempting to conjure your own, for profit, SVN/PROJECT.
(don't even post that BS, this isn't mine/for me/for profit bullshit here. Your attitude &
covetousness on MXC precedes your appearance here)

This is not MXC, and you are not praised as a god here. Perhaps also, you should watch how you treat others on other websites. Then, maybe, someone here would be willing to help your noob monkey arse...

Considering the ignorant entity you actually are, you won't gather much from this.... But in consideration of the premiss that you may actually gain some intellectual knowledge from this advisory, I congratulate you.

For those who do not know, this kid treats others as inferior monkeys on another well visited website. Then comes here and basically BEGS for help. I would advise, anyone & everyone, not to help him in any way/shape/form until, miraculously, he repents........ He will steal, sell, and publish your code/help/insight as if it was his own....... and degrade you in the process...........without even knowing you or anything about you...

Be warned..


P.S. Nickelback was so fucking 5-10+ years ago.........AC/DC forever, grunge bitch.........

I love you, also... just to tell i don't defend myself becouse everything he say is bullsh1ts...

I'm not stealer or anything... else, i love him :D.
Thanks that you spend so much time to write this... I <3 you!

Re: Creating a SVN to fork L2J

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:39 pm
by jurchiks
but i asked "Newbie way"
And that is the problem. This is not newbie stuff, you need to UNDERSTAND at least something before you get to creating your own repository.
Here's a short guide on how to create a local repo within Eclipse (provided you have the SVN/GIT plugin installed).
Create a new project in Eclipse, open SVN or GIT repository view (the one where you add repositories - Window > Show View > SVN > SVN repositories or smth), right-click and choose Create Repository (might differ a bit between SVN and GIT, but the idea is the same). Browse it to a folder where you would like the SVN files of the repository be kept (NOT the project folder). Then just click OK as many times as necassary. When the repo appears in the list, right-click your project, choose Team > Share project, choose the type of repository (SVN/GIT), and it should show your new repository in the next window. Then it's just next next next, then it'll commit the code and vuala - you have a local repository.
If you want to know how to make a world-accessible repository on your own server, you'll have to dig yourself, this isn't a repository help forum.
You can also use github/assembla/ and other sites to host your code; they have their own guides.