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Instaling DataBase on Interlude L2j Datapack

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:37 am
by KingSton
yesterday I had to change my server pack and Navicat version, so deleted all old files, instaled what I need. MySql connected with new Navicat perfectly ( I deleted all old history for Navicat and MySQL ). And now I have problem. My chosen pack is L2j DatePack with latest source files ( I took old files, changed them with latest version source: branches_IT_Datapack_datapack_development-9014 and trunk-9014 ).

Data looks like that everything is okey, but when I try to instal database in my new Navicat, there comes some problems. I have done everything step by step like in Wiki, created 3 Databases for server and configurated "database_installer.bat" with my names and password.

All is working without errors but when I press instal all database ( full instaliation ) installer shows that he have installed everything in less then 1 second and when I looked to my Navict, nothing had changed.

Configurations are same like in my old server version, then everything worked.

Re: Instaling DataBase on Interlude L2j Datapack

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:05 pm
by KingSton
Really need help, noothing that I am trying to do helps.

Any Ideas?

Re: Instaling DataBase on Interlude L2j Datapack

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:05 pm
by Haneseek
hi i've some problem whit datapack released .... i can't make auto occupation change, test helper dosen't exist... any suggestion?

thx bye bye