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Post by Silv3rMoon »

I dont know where to post it so, here.
I have 1 suggestion, add it as a rule...
When you fix somthing ... put it in the end of topic... as a fixed version, to download....
This will realy help for searching....
Cuz i search from 3 days somthing and i've already check like 300 page's!
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Post by Zoey76 »

Suggestions in viewforum.php?f=96

Also what the logic on adding it at "the end", someone says "thanks" or "doesn't for for latest" and it wont be the end anymore.
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Post by Silv3rMoon »

When moderator loc topic... to post the link with done version... or Quote the true Code...
This is just an suggestion, you can think to re-work it in true...
Becouse nowdays to find somthing is realy hard...
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Post by nonom »

The next time, when someone ask the same trying to search this topic did not find nothing because you did not use a descriptive title.

That is the most common problem nowadays, so I suggest that next time use a more appropriate one.

Usually the code is updated very often so most old contribs are easily being deprecated. But we are here learning together, the most part have an easy fix and we could give you a hand

Stay around, help the others testing the new contributions and posting your feedback, follow the viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2 viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7615, and you will find much more than old contributions ;)
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