I use to have the npc element on my gmshop multisell but after you replied this,UnAfraid wrote:better make your own multisells and do not add lines like:because that limits the multisell to these npcs onlyCode: Select all
<list ...> <npcs> <npc>ID</npc> </npc> ...</list>
I went on and took all the npc elements out but I still can't buy from the community with a regular char.UnAfraid wrote:multisells that doesnt contains <npcs> element should be open-able from community board without problems.
And thank you for your reply. I think figuring this out will help a lot people since more and more servers are using Gmshop on community board and most of the packs that have Gmshop on the communityh board that I look into to see if they could give me a hint on this problem, have those lines on multisellchoose.java commented or they don't have at all. So it seems that they all have that big hole open.
Thanks again.