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L2J Revision Number: 5172
L2JDP Revision Number: 8675
Hi guys, I need some help with multisell.
When I call my multisell from NPC it works ok and I can buy items, but I want to call it from my community board.
At CB I actually get menu with multisell items, but when I try to buy something nothing happens.
Sorry for dig this post but I just don't want to open a new one for the same problem. I have been having the same problem with my community board Gm shop. Gm char can buy any item from CB GmShop but regular players can't, they are able to see the multisell but when they click on confirm nothing happen. The weird thing is sometimes it work and most of the times it doesn't. I use the same method on communityboard.java as the post above.
If anyone could help me I will greatly appreciate.
it is said about 10 times in that forum do a search
Edit: djmouse share the code plz
Are you aware of what big hole you are going to open by commenting those lines out?
Basically you give the ability of opening every multisell by just knowing its id.
so how can we fix this without commenting those lines?
commenting those lines fix the player problem but now gms can't use the community board GMSHOP.
it's the opposite way.
If a comment those lines player can buy from community board multisell, but Gm can't.
If I leave it regular Gm can buy from community board multisell but regular player can't.
There is no <npc> elements on the xml files.
Btw I'm using unstable trunk.
Please help me fix it without commenting those lines.
UnAfraid wrote:
Are you aware of what big hole you are going to open by commenting those lines out?
Basically you give the ability of opening every multisell by just knowing its id.
I didn say its safe that code but i noticed that is a temp to see the multisell and that i asked djmouse for the code!!
i dont sugest anyone to use that on live server i just told him where is the code that is not alowwing to open multisel!!!
UnAfraid wrote:
Are you aware of what big hole you are going to open by commenting those lines out?
Basically you give the ability of opening every multisell by just knowing its id.
I didn say its safe that code but i noticed that is a temp to see the multisell and that i asked djmouse for the code!!
i dont sugest anyone to use that on live server i just told him where is the code that is not alowwing to open multisel!!!
Removing codes from the core is easier then just not adding extra lines on the multisell?
UnAfraid wrote:
Are you aware of what big hole you are going to open by commenting those lines out?
Basically you give the ability of opening every multisell by just knowing its id.
I didn say its safe that code but i noticed that is a temp to see the multisell and that i asked djmouse for the code!!
i dont sugest anyone to use that on live server i just told him where is the code that is not alowwing to open multisel!!!
Removing codes from the core is easier then just not adding extra lines on the multisell?
i noticed that is a temp fix nect to my "chengeset"! but you are right i didnt notice that not use in live servers! and im not a java expert to know where exactly is the Cobe to allow multisells on comunity shop! (so is on multisell and not in code?) i just said what i did so far to check where the code comes from!
UnAfraid wrote:
Removing codes from the core is easier then just not adding extra lines on the multisell?
what are the extra lines? I have been looking at at my multisells for hours and found nothing. Regular player is able to buy from the same multisell if he go to a npc. Like the GmShop npc and the community board Gmshop uses the same multisell files and if the player go to npc he is able to buy.
Please UnAfraid if you know the answer share it over here. Because I'm not able to figure it out. I'm not a java expert, I'm able to adapt and fix some codes but I can't code yet.
Thank you.
disorder35 wrote:
Please UnAfraid if you know the answer share it over here. Because I'm not able to figure it out. I'm not a java expert, I'm able to adapt and fix some codes but I can't code yet.
Thank you.
EDIT: We can see the multisell list but we can not buy items from it!
1 more thing i just tested i have errors when i load multisells .... when i have then on Custom folder but when i put them with the rest of them on main folder it works ok!!