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T2.4 - no Client connection possible

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:34 am
by Alkahna
Hello everybody,

i like this place a lot cuz since l2 beta Im gonna play it again (i hope^^)

i set up the server, its running good.
Its the & of /nightly/old/T2.4/
L2J Revision Number: 4420
L2JDP Revision Number: 7664

The Problem is, I can't get a client to connect to my server.
I can login properly but as soon as I want to connect to my server it says: "different protocol Version"

I downloaded Gracia Epilogue Client.
with .bat file "l2.exe -L2ProtocolVersion" I checkt the client and its protocol version is 148

The Server in properties file says:
"Default: 146;152
AllowedProtocolRevisions = 152"

-> I tried 146 and 148 too but doenst work.

Can any1 tell me what to do? Can someone provide me with the proper game client for this server release?

would be great if u could help me play l2 again.


Re: T2.4 - no Client connection possible

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:17 pm
by cyberghoser1
check your pm.

Re: T2.4 - no Client connection possible

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:50 am
by Alkahna
that client didnt work, it was 148.

Anyone else have an idea?


Re: T2.4 - no Client connection possible

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:18 pm
by MrPro
Did you try 146;148;152;999 you can hard write this in server properties. The older ones had minprotcol and maxprotocol which yo ucould try this min146 max999.

Re: T2.4 - no Client connection possible

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 5:02 pm
by kenfalcogt
my problem it's about i get you are currently logged in and stop there nothing happend just freeze with that annunce could you help me pls.
i got client freya
P.S. same version of server like first post.