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SPS is not used on Recharge or Body to Mind??

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 5:14 pm
by rpgsearcherz
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I am wondering if there is a way to enable SPS usage on Body to Mind and Recharge. I'm not sure if any other skills are refusing to use SPS but I know for sure those two are. I'm going to assume it's to save SPS when you are doing CDL(SH - since you do nuke/b2m/nuke/b2m it cuts sps in half) and recharges (since it isn't enhanced by sps) but it is still useful for speeding up the spells themselves.

Is there any way to make the skills that don't use SPS start using them again? Preferably all, if there are any other skills that won't use SPS.

Thanks in advance!