I used this link to get the files : https://bitbucket.org/l2jserver/l2j_ser ... 8aba59.zip (in https://bitbucket.org/l2jserver/l2j_server/downloads)
and : https://bitbucket.org/l2jserver/l2j_dat ... 72cdb8.zip (in https://bitbucket.org/l2jserver/l2j_datapack/downloads).
At this point, did I get the correct files ?
I imported l2j_server in a new project within Eclipse and three of my folders have an error's red cross : src/main/java, src/test/java, and src.
Referenced Libraries, JRE System Library, dist and gradle are ok.
- In src/test/java and src/main/java errors mostly come from libraries that Eclipse can't import, such as javax.mail.*, org.mockito.*, org.testng.*, org.python.util.*, org.slf4j.*, etc..
I searched online and found these pages :
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7322 ... constructs
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4322 ... e-resolved
but it doesn't help in my case.
- In src I have two folders : main and test and I can't open any of them. They contain the packages of src/main/java and src/test/java. Why do I have these two unopenable folders if I already have the content in both packages' folders ?
Can someone help me to get the project working ?