The problem is that i can't seem to make it work and i've got the nagging feeling it has something to do with java, and frankly i've run out of options on what to do. Searched google countless times.. nothing.
so here I am looking for some help on this forum

The log "java0.log.0"version=3872
detailed info:
Code: Select all
2014.07.08 16:14:54,814 WARNING 1 net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Failed executing script: D:\L2 server\test grac\l2j-server\gameserver\data\scripts\ai\group_template\ See for details.2014.07.08 16:14:55,705 WARNING 1 net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Failed executing script: D:\L2 server\test grac\l2j-server\gameserver\data\scripts\ai\individual\ See for details.2014.07.08 16:14:56,112 WARNING 1 net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Failed executing script: D:\L2 server\test grac\l2j-server\gameserver\data\scripts\handlers\ See for details.2014.07.08 16:14:59,837 WARNING 1 net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.L2ScriptEngineManager Failed executing script: D:\L2 server\test grac\l2j-server\gameserver\data\scripts\quests\SagasScripts\ See for details.
the script logs, on the other hand, all show this :
Code: Select all
Error on: *\gameserver\data\scripts\quests\SagasScripts\ -1 - Column: -1 compilation failed
I've tried to create many servers - freya, gracia, high five. all the same.
For the strange part i CAN connect to the server with the client (even my friend did, which is hilarious because usually i had more problems making him join than setting the server up), however admincommands - do not work. gracia and freya - can't target mobs/npc, use inventory items (except gear, you can equip it), you can run around (atleast

When I tried to use the admin commands it usually said that the command doesn't exist, and something about handlers in the console.
Here's an image from the console :

Please give me some suggestions on this. And i'm terribly sorry if this is a dumb mistake (me is being me