Wiki Editors F.A.Q.

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Wiki Editors F.A.Q.

Post by Zoey76 »

What is a Wiki Editor?
A Wiki Editor is a community member who spend time creating, updating, fixing content and resources of our official Wiki.

What does a community member need to be a Wiki Editor?
You need to be able to create quality content, for example, a post may be informal, but a wiki article require to be properly documented, grammar and spelling must be excellent, detailed and complete but not too long.

Does a Wiki Editor need to be a native English speaker?
No, a Wiki Editor may have English as second language, to create articles in the main Wiki (which is in English) you are required to have an advanced level.

Can a Wiki Editor work only translating existing content?
Yes, we value human translators, a Wiki Editor can be focuses on that.

Is there a quota of articles or edits required?
No, there is no quota, but if Wiki Editor gets inactive for a long time without talking with the Wiki Editor Group Manager, this Wiki Editor may get removed or it's privileges suspended until the inactivity period ends.

Is there any Wiki guide?
Yes, a Wiki Editor may use the following official Wikipedia tutorial/manuals as reference:
Wikipedia Tutorial
Wikipedia: The Missing Manual

Is there any tool that may help a Wiki Editor to create/edit content?
Yes, you can use the following tools: spell and grammar online checker
Microsoft Office Word Add-in For MediaWiki

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