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Players with Karma unable to go back to castle?

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:39 am
by ShinichiYao
using scrolls of escape: castle

Re: Players with Karma unable to go back to castle?

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 9:43 am
by ShinichiYao
After looking into the code of

Code: Select all

		if (player.getKarma() > 0)
			return castle.getResidenceZone().getChaoticSpawnLoc();
But in "\game\data\zones\castle_hall.xml" chaotic type spawn points are far away from the castle.
So yes they won't go back to their castle.

And I've got another question in

Code: Select all

	// Checking if needed to be respawned in "far" town from the castle;
	castle = CastleManager.getInstance().getCastle(player);
	if (castle != null)
		if (castle.getSiege().isInProgress())
			// Check if player's clan is participating
			if ((castle.getSiege().checkIsDefender(player.getClan()) || castle.getSiege().checkIsAttacker(player.getClan())) && (SevenSigns.getInstance().getSealOwner(SevenSigns.SEAL_STRIFE) == SevenSigns.CABAL_DAWN))
				return castle.getResidenceZone().getOtherSpawnLoc();
According to this code both Defender and Attacker will respawn far from the castle if Dawn side win the Strife Seal. Shouldn't it be only Attacker?