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How spawn 1 npc in tvt event ????

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:13 pm
by Emanuel
Hi where i have insert comand for spawn 1 npc (buffer or teleport other door) in auto tvt event
if me change zone for auto tvt not coliseum but insert fortess,
later join ppl in tvt event and start all ok, problem is for spawn npc for teleport out door fortess if me created an ncp for teleport and go me insert in fortess before event in moment start event this npc not plus in fortess, I have insert code in freya last released and last datapack I used

# TvT Event NPC (create a custom npc of type L2TvTEventNpc).
TvTEventParticipationNpcId = 27385
tvtspawnnpc=my new npc for teleport out door ?????????? //------ similar this
# TvT Event Participation Fee (itemId, number). Fee is not returned.
# Example: 57,100000
# Default = none
TvTEventParticipationFee = 57,100000
# Location for TvTEvent NPC to spawn in form x,y,z[,heading]
TvTEventParticipationNpcCoordinates = 82864,148619,-3464
tvtspawnnpccoordinates=231231,12323,2312 ????????????? //---- similar this

this is new istance.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<instance name="WesternFortess">
<spawn npcId="35456" x="109867" y="-15989" z="-966" heading="" respawn="0" />
<spawn npcId="35457" x="113582" y="-14752" z="-955" heading="" respawn="0" />

work all ok only I dont know for implement npc for teleport out door ppl in tvt
THX for help